Tips on Starting a Business - The Career Doctor Blog

Jake writes:

I am interested in starting a computer tutoring business. I know how to use computers well and I understand that many adults are not exactly fluent. I was wondering if you have any tips on how to go about doing this and the necessary steps I will need to take to make this happen the correct way.

The Career Doctor responds:

Summer is a time for ambitious teens to find work, and I laud all of you who are out there working or attempting to start your own business.

I think there are four keys to starting any teen business, well, or any business for that matter.

First, identify a need that is not being fulfilled in the marketplace (or one that is being filled at an inferior level). Once you have identified that need, you also need to have a set of products and services that offer something unique, something of value to your potential customers.

Second, develop an understanding of your potential customer. Who are these folks — and why would they use your product/service over competing ones?

Third, create a promotion plan for reaching your target consumers. You could have an amazing product or service, but if no one knows it exists, you are not going to be in business for very long. And promotion is more than just putting some flyers around the neighborhood.

Fourth, have a good handle on both the expenses you will incur, as well as your projected revenue (sales) stream. There have been many a business that failed because of not having a good handle income and costs.

Read other do’s and don’ts for starting and running a teen business in this article published on Quintessential Careers: Teen Business Do’s and Don’ts.

Posted via web from AndyWergedal