Best of Branding: Top 5 This Week | Blog

Here is the Top 5 This Week – @andywergedal

Communication is the key this week. If you lose you job, tell everyone. And, here are some tips to help if you are uncomfortable talking to real people.

Here are this weeks Top 5

1. Don’t be a Stealth Job Hunter – [Career Rocketeer]

Are you trying to find a new job without letting anyone know you’re unemployed? Many people try, very few succeed. Especially in today’s job market, it is extremely difficult to get a new position without extensive networking!

2. Relevance Outweighs Details – Save the Whole Life Story for Your Momma! – [Great Resumes Fast]

Forget what your parents told you. In today’s job market, a resume doesn’t have to—and generally shouldn’t—include every single thing you’ve done at your past jobs. Tailor each resume to highlight your most relevant accomplishments, and employers may actually spend a little more time reading it over.

3. Networking for the Socially Inept, Introverted and Reluctant – [Career Rocketeer]

You know our type. We’re the kind of people who for whatever reason don’t really know how to start up a conversation. We’d rather hide under the table than start chatting with an unknown person or stay at home watching reruns than go to a party. We’re your awkward cousin or the kid that sat behind you in biology. Is there networking hope for us? There is hope and you will find comfort in knowing (for all of us procedural nerds) that it can be a process you can quickly and painlessly use.

4. How To Communicate Well With Anyone – [Brand-Yourself]

You communicate daily with those around you. People you like and get along with, and people you have a hard time being around, but are forced to deal with. Luckily communication skills are flexible and can be tweaked to any situation, no matter how grim. Mastering the art of being flexible is the key, as that is the ticket to success in academia, career and life.

5. How to Make a #Career Change Doable for You – [Career Chaos]

A first step is to get back in touch with what goes on in the world beyond your current workspace. Start by reading recent business magazines such as Forbes or Fortune and Business Week. Include the Wall Street Journal AND the New York Times. Discover the current trends in your industry, in your field, in the world. Reflect on how these trends will affect your current career, and on how the skills you already have can impact these trends. When contemplating a career change, think about what your choice will look like 5-10 years from now. It’s important to select a career you can grow into and thrive in.

In case you haven’t figured it out, yet. Getting a job is always about the people, not the process or the company.

As a pioneer in thought leadership Andy is capable technologist. His primary professional role is the communication bridge between technology and executive staff. An expert in project management methodologies Andy excels as the agent of change. Alternatively in the real world, Andy has a passion for helping people find jobs while playing a ukulele. He takes great pleasure in thinking out of the box and the numerous opportunities to laugh at himself. Checkout his blog at 40× and on twitter @andywergedal.

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