Teetering on Workaholism -- But Her Boss Is Even Worse - The Career Doctor Blog

Roxanne writes:

I took the workaholics quiz you have on your QuintCareers.com Website and it said that I was in danger of overdoing it. Unfortunately, I have a boss who does not believe there is anything but work and more work. In fact, most of us in the office never even take all our vacation time for fear of what might happen. So, I guess I want to ask what should I do? Should I be concerned? Or is my boss right about all of us being a lazy society?

The Career Doctor responds:

I’m not surprised that your boss does not believe in workaholism; I am, however, disappointed. Workaholism can be described as when work becomes the sole reason for a person’s existence above more important things (such as family and friends). Please note — this definition is much more than someone who is a hard worker.

Being overworked can obviously lead to job burnout and dissatisfaction, but more importantly, workaholism is not something to take lightly because it can lead to very serious health and relationship issues.

In my mind, there are two types of workaholics — those who do so of their own free will and those who are forced by circumstances to do so. And given the changes in the workplace over the last decade — the massive layoffs and downsizings, the focus on efficiency — many workers are working longer hours, performing the work formerly done by two people.

And as you mention in your office — and confirmed by national studies — a healthy percentage of U.S. workers do not take their full allotment of vacation time, either because they feel pressure not to do so or because they fear they will not be seen as loyal to the company.

But vacation plays a critical role in helping maintain a balance between work and life. Other tips for reducing workaholism: when you do go on vacation, don’t bring the work with you; start an exercise program (after clearing it with your doctor), schedule time for family and friends, and find a hobby or volunteer.

And if your work environment is so bad, take some vacation time to plan your next job or career move.

Posted via web from AndyWergedal