"You always fear...what you don't understand"
- Carmine Falcone, Batman Begins
- Carmine Falcone, Batman Begins
You also fear what you can't control, especially if you risk losing something you feel you need to "make it".
Fear is one of those weird drivers that doesn't make sense, but often seems to get the best of us; reaching its height of feeding frenzy at the worst possible moments.
Afraid of losing your job?
Watch fear kick in and cause you to do the very dumb things you don't want to do if you want to keep your job.
Afraid of saying the wrong thing?
Fear loves to distract you to the point of keeping you bound up and at a loss for the boldness you need to say the right thing.
Afraid of not making someone happy?
Guess what, you'll never make everyone happy. A focus on pleasing people = pending disaster.
Afraid of saying no?
You won't be respected enough for someone to trust you when they need to say yes.
Afraid of going against the flow?
So are most people, which means you'll just fit right into the vanilla school of everyone else.
Recognize fear for what it is and then get rid of it. It has no place in the office of a good manager.