PJP Update | Follow Up Strategy

I've added a follow up strategy for Job search

Here few steps in the Personal Job Pipeline process

1. Update resume
2. Update Profile on Job Boards
3. apply, apply, apply
4. answer all email and phone calls

Recruiter (R), Candidate (C)

R - job request sent
C - qualifier response
R - meets of not
C - meets -> negotiate rate, send resume and be submitted
R - submits candidate 

-- NEW ADD ON --
C - 24 hours - send reply email to confirm submission
C - 48 hours - send thank you email for their step in this process
C - 30 days - send update email with updated resume for their database
Repeat last step every 90 days

This will keep your recruiter list current (delete all bounced emails) and if still active, put your updated resume into their database every 90 days

Effectively create a CRM of recruiters