How to Help the Hiring Manager Be Decisive and Make You the Offer! » Blog | Great Resumes Fast

Answering objections in a job interview is a skill you’ll always need. Usually, objections are focused on individual, case-by-case issues, but right now it’s the uncertain economy that’s keeping some sales managers on the fence about hiring new sales reps.

So here’s a tip for you: If you can see that the hiring manager’s waffling a little bit, and you think it’s indecisiveness, help him remember what his last great hire did for him:

“I’m sure there was another time when you were wondering if it was the right time to hire someone. But if you hired the right sales rep, you realized that it didn’t really matter what the state of the economy was. A great sales rep will make a change. They’ll make a difference, and they’ll put money in your pocket. And I’m that person.

The economy is not relevant. I am a great salesperson and you need a great salesperson in this economy. Move forward. Let’s do it today…together. Let me help you meet your goals. You can’t keep waiting.”

Help him. Address his concerns. Address the indecision. Ask if, in a month, if he were in the same place, would he regret not having moved forward with someone who, by then, would be completely trained, even have met with clients, and probably already made some sales. Or would he regret losing that month by not hiring someone?

Here’s a bold move: Say, “In three months, if I’m not doing my job, fire me. Let me go if I’m not doing what I say I can do for you, if I’m not getting to know your clients and driving business, at that time.”

Some candidates might be very uncomfortable with that, but the truth is, if you’re in sales and you’re not performing, they’re going to fire you anyway.

Telling the hiring manager this is only going to help him remember that and alleviate his fears about hiring you. It’s extremely freeing for the hiring manager, and makes it easier to make the decision to hire you.

Peggy McKee has over 15 years of experience in sales, sales management, sales recruiting, and career coaching. Her website, Career Confidential ( ) is packed with job-landing tips and advice as well as the practical, powerful, innovative tools every job seeker needs to be successful.

Posted via email from AndyWergedal