Maria Elena Duron wrote the post: Being Consistent In Your Brand Doesn’t Mean Be Annoying… it is a good read. She is talking about the frequency of your updates on sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
How much is too much? How much is too little?
She throws out the number 15, in one day (presumably on Twitter). Wow, that is A LOT. Unless you have someone dedicated to social media outreach I’d say that (a) you are going to alienate people and (b) you are wasting your time that should be spent elsewhere (like pursuing deeper relationships, instead of spewing your kewl ideas all day long).
Her post talks about some ideas on frequency for Facebook and Twitter, and on LinkedIn she says:
On LinkedIn, my personal thoughts are on once or twice a day on status updates and then a whole lot of answering and asking of questions along with participation in groups. I’ll defer to my esteemed colleague, Jason Alba, author of “I’m on LinkedIn – Now What?” as he knows that network well and more specifically provide greater direction there.
I would never recommend you have a strategy that ties you to once a day, or more than once a day. I think it’s okay to do it once a day on LinkedIn, but I wouldn’t do it more unless there was some really important stuff to share. Even then, can’t it wait until tomorrow?
If you want to be front-and-center on LinkedIn I think anywhere between once a day and once a week is FINE. Don’t do it too often… if you want to do it more encourage your LI network to follow you on Twitter (which is what Twitter is made for).
She also suggestions “a whole lot of” questions and group participation.
Again, I think you can overdo this…
Check out this brilliant post by Scott Allen: It’s Time to Practice a Little Selfish Networking.
Some times you can have too much of a “good” thing… the danger is when you let this get in the way of what you should be doing…
5 Responses to “How often do you change your LinkedIn Status?”
By Ed Han on Jul 27, 2010 | Reply
I am in complete agreement–I have taken to hiding status updates from people in my network who relentlessly push every tweet to their LI status!
By Jason Alba on Jul 27, 2010 | Reply
Ed, I forgot to mention that. I think pushing every tweet to your LI status is a mistake… I do it selectively and perhaps one out of every ten tweets becomes a LI status.
By David Panzera on Jul 27, 2010 | Reply
Thanks for this post. I can’t agree more. If someone is making more than one or two updates daily — especially if they’re pushing all their Twitter posts to LI — they are going to get hidden and all their efforts will be for nothing.
By Martha on Jul 27, 2010 | Reply
I tend to think with all these sites, especially LinkedIn, the posts should be relevant whether once a day or once a week, post something of value to those following you. Otherwise, don’t bother.
By Maria Elena Duron on Jul 27, 2010 | Reply
Hello Jason!
I see you’ve taken bits and pieces of what I wrote about – glad to provide some inspiration.
In actuality, the entire post is referring to a business that decided to do 15 FACEBOOK updates in a a period between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Which is way over doing it on Facebook – that absolutely, as stated in the post, generates the behavior of un’liking’ someone or hiding their updates all together – defeating the purpose of communication and relationship.
And, I did say that social networking is about relationships. And, if someone is “speaking” to you online and asking a question, it’s never good practice to “shut down” communication because you hit your limit. If the networking is chatty, then your thoughts that 15 is too much, are way off target. I lead twitter chats, if I only answered and engaged in conversation 15 times during a Twitter chat- I would be deemed as cold and at the very least a snob. Who wants to try to speak to someone if they won’t chat back with them?
I tried to highlight you in positive form in the post I wrote. In fact, you used that part of my post here. So, I hope you get the lots of good convo from the parts you chose to highlight.
With appreciation,