Here are some top interview tips and don't dos for interviews. They are a good set of rule of thumb tips to stick to in order to make sure that your interview doesn't get sabotaged by something silly or that you could have avoided...
- Turn up late for your interview and keep the interviewer waiting
- Sit there in silence or answering simple yes or no responses
- Insult or swear at the interviewer
- Answer your phone
- Respond to emails or in any way shape or form use your blackberry!
- Waffle at the interviewer
- Be too dominant or domineering in the interviewer
- Try to be funny when you’re simply not being!
- Criticise your current employer or boss
- Overtly clock watch
- Turn up looking scruffy, sloppy or dirty
- Express irrelevant opinions on things
- Show bad humour – be sexist, cruel, racist or discrimatory
- Act like a know-it-all
- Ignoring or not really responding/listening to the question
- Being underprepared – not knowing about the company or person interviewing you
Author: Nisa Chitakasem