How 3 People Found Jobs 73% Faster, in the State with America’s Highest Unemployment Rate

Original Post: Here - By Kevin Donlin | November 16th, 2009

The average job search in America takes 26.9 weeks, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics for October 2009.

Yet 3 people were recently hired for new jobs in only 7
weeks — less than 1/3 the time — in Michigan, the state with America’s
worst unemployment rate, 15.3%.

How did they do it?

The full story will be released in the coming days, but here’s a preview …

1) Gail Neal, from Detroit, Michigan, accepted a job offer as a sales professional for a radio station on Wed., November 11, 2009.

She had been unemployed since June 7, 2009.

  • Time spent in an ordinary job search: 15 weeks.

  • Time to hire in a Guerrilla Job Search: 7 weeks.
2) Mary Berman, from Farmington Hills, Michigan,
accepted a job on Thur. Nov. 12, 2009 as a executive assistant for a
local marketing firm.

She had been looking for work since February 2009 before starting her Guerrilla Job Search in late September.
  • Time spent in an ordinary job search: 25 weeks.

  • Time to hire in a Guerrilla Job Search: 7 weeks.

3) Jeff Donaldson, from Oxford, Michigan, got two
job offers the week of Nov. 2 and accepted one, as a project manager
for a design firm.

He left his job at Chrysler in December 2008.
  • Time spent in an ordinary job search: 4 weeks (after taking a sabbatical). Job interviews: 0.

  • Time to hire in a Guerrilla Job Search: 7 weeks. Job interviews: 3. Job offers: 2.
The complete story will be released in 3 more blog postings this
week. For now, it’s enough for you to know that each of these 3 job
seekers had two things in common:
  1. Using ordinary resumes produced ordinary results — from 15-25 weeks of fruitless job hunting. (Sound familiar?)

  2. Using Guerrilla Resumes, each was hired in only 7 weeks.