Job Seeker Turn Off's | LinkedIn

With all the talk surrounding interview techniques , resumes, and things
connected with the job seeker I thought I would turn the tables.

Job seeker turn offs:

1) Job ads that are just unrealistic:

By unrealistic I mean there's a kid's list to Santa of tools, technologies, and experience very few, if any, could fulfill.

Moreover it suggests a company that is just unrealistic in their expectations of a new hire. I highly suspect such ads are placed for the purposes of forcing laxer *skilled guest worker* immigration laws or to hire on friends and family hedging aginst the company appearing nepotistic or engaging in cronyism.

2) Rudeness:

Customer service can make or break a company and the last thing a given venture needs is a black eye or bad press. In this day and age of automated electronic mail responses
and phones capable of doing everything except washing and stacking dishes there's simply NO EXCUSE.

Furthermore all the public relations work and accolades of what a great company won't offset
a job seeker realizing not only is the company rude but a liar as well.

3) Fake interviews:

I once had an interview where the person interviewing me didn't even
know my name, sifted through a stack of resumes to find mine, and
proceeded to tell me about his golf game, how much money he (supposedly) made last
quarter and what a great guy he is.

I do my homework, I come prepared, and I would expect the interviewer to follow in like fashion. In this case The interview was a complete and total waste of my time and a turn off.

4) Hide and seek:

If you can't list your contact information in a company name, website, or
location I will assume you're probably an online scammer or have something to hide I don't
need or want to as much as know about much less work for.

4)Specific to staffing, placement, and recruitment firms:

Until you have accurately and honestly described the job and all it entails DO NOT expect me to quote you salary or hourly rate for it !

Do you also expect a kitchen or bath remodeling contractor to
quote you a job based only on the fact it's a kitchen or bath without the specifics ?

Such gives the impression you're trying to maximize your margins at my expense and it is a turn off !

Please don't resume fish !

I have seen sufficient emails claiming 1) my resume was seen online, 2) they have an urgent need, and 3) could I send my most recent copy of my resume ASAP.

If your need is so urgent why didn't you call ? My phone number is listed on my resume you supposedly saw online and I DO NOT distribute my resume like Halloween candy.

Work WITH me:

When I say I am looking for a position in San Francsico it DOES NOT MEAN I am willing
to relocate to Boston MA. When I say extended commutes and relocation are NOT POSSIBLE it DOES NOT MEAN I am looking to drive, daily, back and forth, between San Francisco and San Jose, Sacramento, or points further.

Press the issue and I have no problems asking you if you have reading difficulties or
can I reccomend a good eye doctor.

Do your homework ! Asking me if I have knowledge or experience with something NOT listed on my resume tells me you're just cold calling, going through the motions, or are insincere. If it's not listed then it's NOT LISTED FOR A REASON !

Honesty: If it's a contract job SAY SO ! Don't try misrepresenting it as a contract to hire. If it's
a short term contract then SAY SO ! There is nothing worse than being called late in the evening being told the company doesn't need you anymore before the duration of the contract expires.

Posted via email from AndyWergedal